We are smart!
We are kind!
We are the
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the school hours and arrival procedures?
PS 208's school hours are from:
8:00AM - 2:20PM Doors open at 7:30AM
Arrival - The arrival entrance is: Exit 1 - Corner of Avenue D and East 49th street.
Dismissal - Grades 3K to Grade 2 dismiss on East 48th street.
Dismissal - Grades 3, 4, and 5 dismiss on East 49th street
Doors open at 7:30AM for breakfast.
We expect all our students to be on time.
What are the school supplies needed for each grade?
What are the school registration hours?
The school registration hours are:
Monday to Thursday:
8:30am to 11:30am
What are the school uniform colors?
Please note: PS208 is a uniform school. Students are expected to be in uniforms Monday to Friday.
Shirts: Yellow
Ties: Burgundy
Dresses / Skirts / Pants: Burgundy
Stockings: Burgundy
Cardigans: Burgundy
Shirts: Yellow
Pants: Grey
Ties: Burgundy
Cardigans: Burgundy

Where can I purchase school uniforms and gym uniforms with the school logo?
School uniforms and gym uniforms (with logos ) can be purchased from Ideal Uniform Store which can be seen on the Uniform Store List.
How does PS208K keep families informed?
PS208k uses: newsletters, robocalls, texts, emails, google classroom, the website, instagram, Facebook and more. Please fill out the Contact Information Sheet, so that you can be properly informed.
The Parent Coordinator - Ms Miller- uses the DOE messenger program to keep our busy families informed.
To receive our weekly text and email updates please update your contact information as changes occur.
In addition, events are also spotlighted on Instagram, Facebook, our website, on our monthly grade level newsletters, at PTA meetings, parent engagement meetings, and at workshops.
What is the Family Income Inquiry Form?
Support School Funding
All students attending school in person will be offered free breakfast and lunch daily in school. The NYCDOE does not require families to appply to receive meals, but families will be asked to complete a Family Income Inquiry Form which helps schools receive funding for their programs. We can also send a copy of this form home with your child, or you can get it from the school’s main office.
Is there a breakfast or lunch menu available?
If my child needs a Metrocard or School Bus Service, who do I contact?
Many transportation issues can be answered by visiting the Office of Pupil Transportation
For transportation issues at PS208K please call the main office at: 718-629-1670 and ask to speak to:
The Parent Coordinator
Ms. Miller ( chudlin@schools.nyc.gov)
The Guidance Counselor
Ms. Hobson (Lhobson@schools.nyc.gov)